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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries





Michel Buffa:

Reviewer of Pasquale LISENA PhD : "Recommandation musicale basée sur la connaissance : modèles, algorithmes et recherche exploratoire", defended October 11th, 2019, EURECOM – Sophia Antipolis

Elena Cabrio:

Reviewer and member of the PhD committee of Marco Rovera, University of Turin (Italy), July 2019.

Member of the PhD committee of Yaroslav Nechaev, University of Trento (Italy), April 2019.

Catherine Faron Zucker:

Fabien Gandon:

Andrea Tettamanzi was reviewer of the HDR thesis of Nathalie Hernandez, La centralité des ontologies, du Web Sémantique des utilisateurs au Web Sémantique des objets, Université de Toulouse 2, December 13, 2019.